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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are abhorrent: These memes are proof

If you’ve ever thought Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were relatable to you at all, think again. Unless you’re also a billionaire with expendable income, nothing about their lives is relatable to yours. Take for example Kim Kardashian’s recent birthday escapade.

On Twitter, Kim Kardashian divulged flying all her friends out to her private island for her birthday. Of course, since we’re in a pandemic, she tested her pals multiple times for COVID-19, but Kardashian still wanted to go “where we could pretend things were normal just for a brief moment in time”. Talk about a tone-deaf tweet! 

Naturally, Twitter is Twitter, and now Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, and the rest of her “inner circle” are a meme. After getting angry about how oblivious Kim is to the current world, get a laugh in reading over these tweets and memes making fun of her tone-deaf trip. 


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